Elected in 1960, he brought an energy and grace to the Oval Office. Marilyn Sitzman arrives to find her boss, Abraham Zapruder, already there; Ernest Brandt recalls the crowds anticipation. Gayle Newman: I was just numbI was just trembling. The next thought that I had isthis is history and upon these words youll be judged as a reporter and as a human being. I called Robert Kennedy.Despite his shock, he discussed the practical problems at hand problems of special urgency because we did not at that time have any information as to the motivation of the assassination or its possible implications. I went to the 17th floor with Mrs. Kennedy, and I remained with Mrs. Kennedy except for one time when I was requested to come to the morgue to view the presidents body. I was just answering the phones on the city desk when we got this call, and this woman said, Is there somebody there who can give me a ride to Dallas? And I said, Well, you know, lady, this is not the taxi, and the presidents been shot. She said, Well, I heard it on the radio, and they say my son is the one who shot him. And it was Lee Harvey Oswalds mother. I said, Which window? He said, Its the one on the right, second from the top. By that time, I had the 100mm camera up, shot a picture of that window. I told him to get the crime lab officers in route, that I had the location spotted. Cluster shared Jacks sardonic attitude toward the protocol and red tape of the Big Navy., On May 30, Cluster took PT-109 with him when he was ordered to move two squadrons 80 miles north to the central Solomons. And I was irate. Dr. Jenkins: As the resuscitative maneuvers were begun, such as chest cardiac massage, there was with each compression of the sternum a gush of blood from the skull wound, which indicated there was massive vascular damage in the skull and the brain, as well as brain tissue damage, and we recognized by this time that the patient was beyond the point of resuscitation, that he was in fact dead, and this was substantiated by getting a silent electrical pattern on the electrocardiogram. The locals of Naru must have been stunned when they witnessed the two American men wade ashore. My God, this guys going to get us all killed! one man told Cluster. Lyndon Johnson: Mrs. Kennedy and the presidents coffin arrived. Kennedy couldnt risk attempting to canoe with the natives for fear of being seen by a Japanese patrol boat or plane. The 29th Division sailed for England in September 1942 aboard the famous Cunard liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. Riding with Kennedy was Ensign Barney Ross, whose boat had recently been wrecked. Kennedy and Lowrey remained oblivious. memo: review of selected items in the lee harvey oswald file regarding allegations of castro cuban involvement in the john f. kennedy assassination. Theyre headed for the airport. He persuaded Undersecretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal, an old friend of his father, to get him into Midshipmans School at Northwestern University. Kennedy kept his speed to a crawl hoping to keep the wake and noise to a minimum in order to avoid detection. She had been living in Fort Worth when he had defected to the Soviet Union, and so reporters from the Star-Telegram had actually gone out and interviewed her, and perhaps the paper was her only contact. This is the president of the United States and there should be some consideration in an event like this. And I told this gentleman, You are going to have to come up with something a little stronger than [the] law that this body cant be removed., Shortly he leaves this little room and it seems like a few minutes he is back and he has another gentleman with him, and he said: He is a judge here in Dallas. Young Kennedys nation was now at war. He was bitter that other PT boats had not moved in to rescue his men after the wreck, Cluster said. As luck would have it, another Kennedy friend, Lieutenant (j.g.) During that time, Lieutenant Commander John Duncan Bulkeley visited the school. Malcolm Kilduff: Now, in removing the casket on the forklift at Andrews Air Force Base, one of the handles got broken. Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald.. For more than a month, the division engaged infrustrating positional warfare as the weather deteriorated sharply and an ammunition shortage worsened to a critical level. Older brother Joe joined the Navy and was training to be a pilot. So then, the car proceeded on, rather jerkily, toward the intersection. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and Americas entry into World War II, however, would eventually extend that one year to nearly five. This man kept walking, and the police car going real slow now, real slow. The 115th Infantry landed at about 11 AM, and the 175th the next morning. Come back towards me, turned around and went back.towards Patton. Cluster offered to send the young lieutenant home, but he refused. And if I wrapped the thing up, its likely to mess up the powder or prints that are on there. Weve seen the assassin! Bill Newman: We were just on the ground probably twothreefour minutes. Malcom Kilduff: I heard this first noise, and Merriman Smith said, What the hell was that? And I said, Well, it sounded to me like a firecracker. And then, the second shotby that time, I had noticed that Clint Hillhad jumped off the Secret Service follow-up car and was running towards the presidents car. And thesestatements were so bizarre that when I wrote the story about it for the next days paper, I didnt even include most of it.I thought, This poor woman, who can imagine being in the situation that she had suddenly found herself in?. President, you cant say Dallas doesnt love you.. ODonnell told me that Mrs. Kennedy would not leave the hospital without the presidents body, and urged again that we go ahead and take Air Force One and return to Washington. The US Navy used the lightning speed of the PT boat to attack with quick surprise launching torpedoes and strafing the enemy craft with 50 caliber heavy machine gun rounds. In late September 1944, the 29th Division was transferred 500 miles from Brittany to southern Holland, a journey that half the division took in uncomfortable forty-and-eight boxcars, while the other half made the move in trucks and jeeps. Gayle Newman: I had no idea that it was gunfire. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! As the marchers dispersed, many walked hand in hand singing the movements anthem: We shall overcome, we shall overcome, We shall overcome, some day. Some of this criticism can be discounted. When Jack signed up for the navy, his father pulled strings to ensure his poor health did not derail him. I remember it occurred to me that this man wants on top of the building. I told them I was waiting for Mrs. Kennedy and for the presidents body to be placed on the plane, and would not return prior to that time. And for that reason, they got another casket from Gawlers Funeral Home in Washington, but that was not until after they had taken the body to Bethesda Naval Hospital. But the Rules Committee remained a problem. Detective Bentley: Captain Talbert and I went to the Texas Theatre. NPS/Matt Teuten. The collision was part of a wild night of blunders by 109 and other boats that one historian later described as the most screwed up PT boat action of World War II. Yet American newspapers and magazines reported the PT-109 mishap as a triumph. No blood or anything. I saw all of that in a flash. Few bid farewell to the infinitely infamous Lee Harvey Oswald. MARGUERITE OSWALD COMES TO THE POLICE STATION Doctors and emergency personnel feverishly work on the president, including Dr. Charles Carrico, Dr. Marion Jenkins and Dr. Robert McClelland. About a half-hour later, I asked someone to find out if Mrs. Kennedy would stand with us during the administration of the oath. In eleven months of nearly continuous combat from D-Day to the Elbe, the 29th Division had participated in seven major offensives, gaining a reputation as one of the U.S. Armys finest outfits in World War II. In his remarks to the massive audience, which was nearly exhausted by the long afternoon of oratory, King had spoken for five minutes from his prepared text when he extemporaneously began to preach in the familiar cadence that had helped make him so effective a voice in the movement. Nellie Connally: We had just finished the motorcade through the downtown Dallas area. I ascertained that Mrs. Johnson and Sen. Yarborough were all right. After checking the people in the balconythere were only three or four people there, about that time a uniformed officer came up from the other side, and I advised him to take the names of the people in the balcony and I went back downstairs to go into the theater to help check the people on the ground floor. Fully recovered from the debacle in Normandy, the Germans gave little ground and inflicted heavy casualties each time the 29ers launchedan attack. And thats when I then went on the air out there at the Trade Mart. The description was derived from eyewitness reports at Dealey Plaza. Ill never forget because there had been a lot of tension in Dallas politically. He also kept and had preserved the coconut shell with his inscrption "NAURO ISLCOMMANDERNATIVE KNOWS POS'ITHE CAN PILOT11 ALIVENEED SMALL BOATKENNEDY" Years later when he was asked how he had become a hero, John F. Kennedy replied casually by saying it was involuntary, they sank my boat. And Roy Kellerman received word from headquarters to bring it back to Washington for an autopsy at Walter Reed or Bethesda Naval.And thats when Roy Kellerman and some other agents and myself formed sort of a flying wedgeand we flew out that door and put the casket in the ambulance and took off and went to Love Field. Other officers blamed Kennedy for the failure of the 109s engine when the Amagiri loomed into sight. I thought it sounded like a rifle shot, but I couldnt imagine that it could be a rifle shot. At about 1:45 a.m., the four destroyers set out for the return trip to Rabaul, speeding north. Agent in Charge Kellerman opened the door of the presidents car and stepped out on the street. ENCOUNTERS WITH JACK RUBY AT POLICE HEADQUARTERS For more stories, subscribe here. Alexander Z. Gordon. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Kennedy were at my side as Judge Hughes administered the oath of office. He had slow agonal respiration, spasmodic respirations without any coordination. The division began incessant training in central and southwest England, which would continue for twenty consecutive months. It is as old as the scriptures and is as clear as the American Constitution. I saw this man coming down the street with the gun in his hand. A near miss showered the boat with shrapnel that slightly wounded two of the crew. I took her down to where the president was speaking, remained with her during the speech and accompanied she and the president back up to thefifth floorremained on that floor until we left, went downstairs, got into the motorcade, and departed the hotel for the airport to leave Fort Worth for Dallas. His humanity in pursuing civil rights in the United States elevated him to a visionary level of both Presidents Lincoln and Washington. I shall never forget her bravery, nobility and dignity. Only onJuly 18, 1944, six weeks after D-Day, did the division secure St. What are you doing to him? Our conversation was interrupted to allow the attorney general to come back on the line. And my husband never made any sound. But then suddenly Gov. John whom friends and family called Jack, wanted in on the action too. Ten minutes after landing, President Johnson addresses the nation. And of course, when it did, Kennedy was kind of casually waving to people, Jackie sitting next to him, looking so pretty and prim. Surrounded by Japanese ships in the area and facing the uncertainties of the sea Kennedy pondered "fight or surrender". John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Photograph by Frank Turgeon Jr. President John F. Kennedy is arguably one of Americas greatest U.S. Presidents. One of the crew, 25-year-old Andrew Jackson Kirksey, became convinced he was going to die and unnerved others with his morbid talk. His ability to make quick decisions under stress with the welfare of those around him would be put to the test like no other on a fateful August night in 1943. Everything he did up until he was in the water was the wrong thing.. But in his last months in combat, he appeared to be a troubled young man trying to make peace with what happened that dark night in the Solomons. Getting young Jack into the navy took similar finagling. But Captain Fritz and his men spread them out, and I walked on through holding the gun over my head so nobody would touch it. I noticed directly behind his car, very close behind his car, was the Secret Service limousine. To keep alive the spirit that never knew defeat; to glorify our dead, and to further keep before our country, the record of the 29th Division in all wars. To keep alive the spirit that never knew defeat; to glorify our dead, and to further keep before our country, the record of the 29th Division in all wars. Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe, We shall overcome some day. He told his father not to worry. He said people will forget that within a few days and there would be another president. I dont know how I stumbled onto that, but I was real pleased with the picture. Among the tricks to try out: telling the story from the perspective of the people involved and lingering on their feelings and emotionssomething frowned upon in journalism of the day. The natives were trusting towards Americans after witnessing poor treatment at the hands of the Japanese. As one historian put it, Kennedys fragile health meant he was not qualified for the Sea Scouts, much less the U.S. Navy. We radioed the dispatcherthat we had a suspect in the shooting of Officer Tippit. Almost in the same moment in which he hit or pushed me, he vaulted over the back seat and sat on me. Kennedy gunned her engines and roared away from Choiseul. The Truth About Devil Boats Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade (JG) Kennedy entered combat with an assignment to Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Two based in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific in 1943. People were scrambling to get telephones. One of them told me I could help them. After we got the pictures taken, I reached down and picked the rifle up. Kennedy ordered everyone back aboard the part of the PT-109 still afloat. Youll be above everybody. And wed go look at this place, and wed go look at that place. Its distinctive features were not violence or narrow partisanship on behalf of one groups special interest, but rather a dignified display of faith on the part of blacks and whites that America remained the worlds last best hope of freedom and equality for all; that the fundamental promise of American lifethe triumph of individualism over collectivism or racial or group identitymight yet be fulfilled. He doesnt know the plan of the floor. When Joe read Herseys story, he sent his brother a letter laced with barbed criticism. Fifty US Marine of the 1st Marine Parachute Regiment were clinging to a beach head with an overwhelming Japanese force on the verge of over running them and pushing them into the sea. On February 3, 1941, President Roosevelt called up the 29th Divisions component National Guard units from Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia for one year of active service. Young John F. Kennedys future was one of privilege and opportunity with his graduation from Harvard University in 1940. We broke and all ran up there, and then President Kennedy headed straight for the fence and started walking along the fence shaking hands with people.I was always a little quicker than other guys. Warren JFK's bid for a 3rd state title fell short on Friday, with a 31-0 loss to New Bremen in the Division VII State Championship game. While the Battle of the Bulge raged to the south, the 29th Division patrolled aggressively over the Roer and prepared for the Allied offensive to resume as the enemy offensive petered out and winter weather waned. The gist of [what I said] was thatshots had been fired, and that the motorcade had gone by, it did not stop. The 29-year-old Hersey was an accomplished journalist and writer. Warfield, the commander at Lumbari that night, later claimed that Kennedy wasnt a particularly good boat commander. Lieutenant Commander Jack Gibson, Warfields successor, was even tougher. I knew the back of his head was blown out, andI felt like she shouldnt be getting her hands under there because there wouldnt be nothing but blood.When I motioned to [a Secret Service man]about Mrs. Kennedy, he pushed her hands down and then told Mrs. Lincoln, I believe who was the secretary of the presidentYou take care of her. Seven times in the next two weeks, 109 left its base on Lumbari Island, a spit of land in the Rendova harbor, to patrol. That campaign, according to scholar John Hellman, marks the true beginning of the Kennedy legend. Kennedy concluded the hour-and-10-minute meeting by promising nothing more than reports on likely votes in the House and the Senate. We were kind of laughing, you know, at how he had to chase my film across the street, and we had already made the turn as this was taking placeonto Houston, which put our car directly facing the Book Depository. I photographed Marina, the kids and Oswalds mother in a group. Then, the car shot forward.As we passed the crowd on the grassy knoll, the look of sheer horror in their faces told me that they had just witnessed a traumatic event. And I heard a noise from my right rear, which to me seemed to be a firecracker. I just said, Mr. The division was there for the duration of the ill-fated campaign. The birthplace became a unit of the National Park Service in 1967 and opened to the public on May 29, 1969. Deputy Chief [George] Lumpkin of the Dallas Police Department was standing a few feet from me. We wanted to be sure it was over. By chance, Kennedy met up for drinks one night at a New York nightclub with writer John Hersey, an acquaintance who had married one of Jacks former girlfriends. Connally and President Kennedy had been shot. No voluntary movements, only the spasmodic respirations. One of his officers argued that this was suicide; the Japanese would fire on them from both banks. The 29th Infantry Division was created in July 1917, a few months after the United States entered World War I. In October 1943 he took command of. I told them if they would not try to overrun the prisoner and not try to interrogate him we would bring him to the showup room. Such missions took a toll on Jacks weakened body. Ensign Kennedys next big break came when he was able to attend Officers Training School in the late summer of 1942. Also a report that he had been seen entering the Texas Theatre. Ruby was then taken away toothen, a detective came out, and I said, Who was that? And he said: It was Jack Ruby. From a medical standpoint, I suppose he was still alive in that he did still have a heartbeat. The senior Kennedy persuaded Kirk to let a private Boston doctor certify Jacks good health. 35th President Of the United States. When he saw me he looked at me, stared at me. Mrs. We went downstairs to the rear of the hospital, where the body was placed in a naval ambulance. On August 25, Gerhardts men commenced their attack on Brest. The presidents been shot. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. Aboard PT-109, however, there was no sense of imminent danger. He was almost across Patton Street.walking up 10th, away from me. I thought, The luck of the Irish.. Then I really got into just an endless narrativeI had to stay on the air. They motored away from Lumbari at about 6:30 p.m., heading northwest to Blackett Strait, between the small island of Gizo and the bigger Kolombangara. Kennedy never answered his brother. The 29th Division served on the Gallipoli peninsula, a point in the strategic Dardanelles straits between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea (and thus the Mediterranean ). On the open pastures surrounding Mnchen-Gladbach, Gerhardt ordered several parades to honor those 29th Division units that had gained the highly prized Distinguished Unit Citation during combat in Normandy: the 115th, 116th, and 175th Infantry, along with the 121st Engineer Combat Battalion. Graves was on his left, holding onto his left arm, and we had a couple officers behind usand there were detectives lined up along the wall just outside the double doors. I grabbed it and then I turned to my right just right around with his arm and began to twist and tell him to turn that gun loose with a few choice wordsI think I called him a son of a bitch and told him to turn that gun loose before I broke his arm off. He turned the corner of Patton and Jefferson, going west, and put the gun in his pants and took off, walking. And thats what I really thought because nothing in mind would have occurred to me that it was a rifle shot, see.I thought the first shot was a motorcycle backfire, and in conjunction with that thought, I thought he was just pretending. Bill Newman: I remember a flash of white and then a flash of red, and President Kennedy going over across the car seat into Mrs. Kennedys lap and her hollering out, Oh my God, no! On November 16, 1944, the 29th Division joined in one of the largest U.S. Army offensives of the war to date as a component of the Ninth Army. The casket did arrive from the ONeal Mortuary, Inc., in their own hearse, which we then wheeled into the emergency room. What happened? It seemed that they had heard a shot but they didnt know exactly what had happened as the car sped away, and I kept on just yelling: They killed him! So, I walked out into the basement with OswaldI was told that the car that we were going to transfer him in would be crossways with the doorway, which it was not. When a civil rights crisis erupted in Birmingham, Alabama, in the spring of 1963, Kennedy considered shifting ground and pressing for congressional action. His eyes are open and he is looking at me, and I am fairly sure he is alive. The PT boats were the US Navys concept for quick attacks and for close in shore support. CBS Radio reporter Ike Pappas recalls speaking with Ruby. 29th Div Association Frosted Beer Glass with Handle. That key city, which Gerhardts men had been within sight of for three months, fell to the29th on the first day of the assault. Building manager Roy Truly, who was standing in front of the building at the time of the shooting, recounts what took place. The 29ers cleaned up, received hundreds of new replacements, and enjoyed plentiful passes to Dutch towns in the rear area. Confident that his crew was safe and secure, Lieutenant JG John Kennedy and his friend Ensign George Ross knew they had one more exhausting swim to make. He later went on to serve three terms in House of Representatives, followed by a term as senator from 1953 to 1961. THE 29TH INFANTRY DIVISION IN WORLD WAR II Just as the policeman gottowards the front of the careven with the wheel on the drivers side, this man shot the policeman. The tiniest shard of hot metal might ignite the 3,000-gallon gas tanks. Detective L.C. Pulling strings, Joe persuaded the magazine to let Readers Digest publish a condensation, which the tony New Yorker never did. I had always thought it was a disaster, but [Hersey] made it sound pretty heroic, like Dunkirk.. I put my right foot on the left rear step of the automobile, and I had a hold of the handgrip, when the car lurched forward. Kennedy eventually broke up with Arvad, but the imbroglio left him depressed and exhausted. Dr. Jenkins: However, for a period of minutesafter we knew he was dead, we continued attempted resuscitative maneuvers.I think as we pronounced the president dead, those in attendance who were there just sort of melted away. He ran right by me. THE MOTORCADE REACHES PARKLAND 12:36 P.M. And he kind of laughed, and I think it was the only time I ever saw him smile while he was in custody. I had advised the projectionist to turn on the house lightsthe movie was cut off. It was transparent to more than the civil rights leaders that Kennedy saw a compromise civil rights measure as his only chance for success. She didnt express much interest in what was going to happen to her son. What do you want to do? It was Kennedys presence, of course, that made the collision big news. In fact, [at WFAA studio] Julie Benell, they interrupted her cooking show and she was cooking a Hormel Cure Eighty-one ham. Quickly Kennedy knew the island would not offer much due to a lack of food and water and with little respite from the blazing tropical sun. The goal was to smash through the German lines in the Rhineland, cross the Roer River at Jlich, and drive on to theRhine by Christmas 1944. On March 1, 1945, the 29th Division seized Mnchen-Gladbach, the largest German city captured by Gerhardts men in World War II. James Chambers: I was in my office about 8:15 or so, the phone rang, and it was the president. Jim Wright: As we turned, heading westwe looked and saw pandemonium in the cars and Jacqueline Kennedy on her knees in the back seat, looking out behind, and we couldnt imagine what was happening. So I was looking to the left. Joe Kennedys friend James Forrestalwho helped Jack win transfer to the Pacificbecame secretary. Administered the oath of office was cut off I thought it sounded like a rifle.! Just trembling minutes after landing, president Johnson addresses the nation not taxi! 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