Too bad you didnt find this website before boot camp. Phones I think 3 times after getting picked up, not every weekend. Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 0166. My husband is currently at MCT East and I know his company (Golf) and his class (30-11), but not his PLT number. do they work through their breaks on sunday? The distance is the same, but the MCT hike seemed a bit more demanding than the boot camp crucible hike. The good news is that they dont taste too bad, and the new ones come with chemical heaters. Havent been out that way in quite a while so it may not be open anymore. Fire watch is the real deal here too. Be prepared to eat a lot of MREs during Marine Combat Training. The platoons on the east coast have about 10-15 females and about 80-85 males. I attended MCT from 2010 January 26 2010 February 23. thank you so much for you help1!!!!! Youll also get good at putting on cami paint. If your MOS school is within 8 hours of driving, then youll be on the bus the entire trip. After reading the posts I assume he will train straight thru Christmas with no break??! PSC 20161 During the fourth week, you prepare for a test, continue combat conditioning, hiking, and engage in a three-day field exercise. They also said he would have liberty and be able to use his phone on the third Sunday (March 16th) which is also the week before graduation. This is why the Marines say all Marines are riflemen. You can activate your MRE heaters and put them in your blouse pockets, use them as hand warmers and even put them in your boots to prevent your toes from getting frostbite. The Miracle on Ice. This means all Marines must have the ability to handle themselves during combat. His dad called me to ask why I had fired him. Im glad that you have found it useful. Also, he told me that his phone was taken away for 25 days and he will get it back on the 25th day. He had heard recently that some schedule changes were giving new MCT graduates a leave in between MCT and MOS can you comment on that? Before firing each weapon, youll shoot it on a simulated computer system called the IZMIT. The Marine Corps is by far the most unique, tight-knit, proud, strong, tip-of-the-spear, brotherhood in the world. Very unlikely that they will have time to write mail though. Proud to be a Marine MOM. Hey! A lot of recruits and new Marines do that. Maybe it was due to less motivation, in the fact that in boot camp you earn the title Marine after the hike. also there is collegewill there be another graduation then also? Please tell me if I am reading this correctly?! I even called one of the companies at MCT,Camp Lejeune and spoke to a Female PFC who was answering phones, and who also told me there had been letters mailed the night before (Dec 7) to families. Some barely spoke, and just drank and smoked looking off into the distance. His first day of MCT was February 25th. I appreciate it. They still treat you like a Marine though. Youll hit the classroom first and then do some hands-on work in the afternoon. After MCT, they have the ability to purchase better luggage with wheels. Im honestly not sure how they will coordinate MCT arrivals this close to Christmas. Thank God for my son, the USA, and the Marines. Camp Geiger 2022 MCT Graduation Dates (NOTE: On smaller devices, slide table below to the right to see complete information) Class Start Date Graduation Date Company The same goes for the argument of service branch. But what do I know, my opinion is irrelevant, First of all, I think you mean site and not sight.. My son left for MCT on Monday. Every single enlisted Marine that serves on active duty has to go through this rigorous training, and only those who make it through . You didnt answer the last question that I asked, meaning? halo am Eric from Kenya and i have always loved and wished to be a marine something that i have even tried here in Kenya but as soon as am almost taken,am asked for a bribe something that has hurt ed me.Please if there is a way i can join the U.S marine coz that has always been ma dream,tell me. My son is week 3 at E. MCT (waited a week to get picked up His original MOS was Combat Support. Secondly, there is nothing sensitive on this entire website. The Marines expect every member to possess the ability to fight in combat. Copyright 2014. Last question. Your Marine may or may not be able to meet with parents/visitors after the Graduation Ceremony. Its not like boot camp where he has to have a company and a number and everything is it? As far as OPSEC is concerned, youll find better intel from watching the G.I. Thanks. But her recruiter said there was a poss that her school could be delayed thats why we have been waiting to confirm our thanksgiving plans. So Im glad to read that they dont get to call for a while and so on. My boyfriend left 2/22 for mct training, will they be able to call the first sunday they are there (which would be tmo) ? Thanks, What part of base is MCT located at on Camp Pendelton. You will be able to visit him but wont be able to live with him as far as i know unless they have changed. I have been telling myself she is just too busy and this has just confirmed my thinking. After checking in, Rumors about a 4th of July LIBERTY might happen. At times youll feel like youre back in boot camp (on the East coast) and youll end up getting screwed because of what other Marines in your platoon do. Plenty of space is available along with video games and televisions, both indoors and outdoors to relax and enjoy quality family time with your Marine. before hes gone for Christmas and 2 months after that. He will graduate this july 8th. is the final march back to camp geiger on thursday or friday? God Bless. Thanks, have a great holiday! For now, they have you hiking out to Camp Devil Dog on the 2nd day, supposedly because it makes it more similar to a field environment, and you stay there for most of your training. I just wanted to point out that the graduation date for India # 15-14, pick up date Feb 4th is March 11th on the page here. Although I do plan on writing him back to find out more about thisI just wanted to get you feedback. He stated he fell behind on the 15k hike and that he will be doing BSRE. If I could bring at least one more Marine home to their family because I stressed them out in training, then I was a successful instructor. I am happy to say that he will be graduating next Tuesday. Thanks, There are Marines that will always be dirt bags, and no matter how many times their actions cause the platoon to get punished, theyll just continue to be who they are. During marksmanship, there are several weapons Marines learn. My boyfriend just got to MCT at Camp Geiger yesterday and today found out they have camp guard and my be delayed? Poncho Liner While it lacks the intensity of the infantry training those with the infantry MOS enjoy, it is still tough. (as of 2010). Hi my son is at camp Lejeune for MCT( east).I know that boot camp was very intense and harshmy question is that do they get punished as a whole or separately.? Hello, Ive arrived today at Camp Geiger (April 3, 2011). And no, I dont stand in stupid formations when other people mess up. comes from or if things changed from back then to now but my son graduated boot from San Diego MCRD, and it was hard core. Every platoon is different, but unless their schedule has changed in the last 3 weeks, then they still receive (most) weekends off, or at least some liberty on the weekends. Magazine Pouch (2) Thanks Kevin, her mos is admin but specifically she is aircraft maintenance record keeping (or something like that lol) she is scheduled to go to miss. Keep up the good work and God Bless. Also, you begin weapons training. Thank you so much for the information. I may be able to get you more details regarding it. Not liking this set-up so far And finally.. my question: How do Marines get to use their vacation or leave time? Thank you soooo much!!!! He also told me that he may be working with Supply for MOS school. I would like to thank Vdawgs Hot Dogs Cart! They all deserve the up-respect specially one to the other when your against the enemy. This infomration you posted gives mre insight to what he will be up against for the net 29 days. His graduation day is set for July 26, 2011. SOI East MCT BN Kevlar Cover (1) The Marine Corps' mantra is "every Marine a rifleman", and Marine Combat Training is where that philosophy is implemented. Should we be worried? My son is graduating from MCT tomorrow, 1/4/11. Thanks! when i went through mos school we werent allowed to have anyone live with us. Maybe not I am pretty strong, but it does sound like a lot of work. Any free time is spent cleaning weapons, guarding the armory, and cleaning the barracks. Related Article Marine Infantry MOS Guide. If youre on the west coast it will be a bit easier. Do you not receive the same brief over and over and over again because someone (after receiving the same briefs) still gets a DUI over a payday weekend? Michele Thank you for the comments. About two weeks in he fractured his collar bone and sprained his shoulder. Yes, everything that they take from Boot Camp pretty much needs to go with them to MCT. My son Devin is currently in MCT. There is a pizza joint you can hang out at that is pretty legit, and the PX is fairly nice. Im going to join as soon as summer rolls around. He was asked to stay on in Jacksonville until the end of April (doing what he did not know) and then attend a fire fighting course for three months in Dallas,Texas. Proud Marine Mom I dont think they sent her anything. Do not worry. Your son may have even done something purposefully in order to be released. Thank you! Related Article What To Bring To Marine Boot Camp. Every platoon at Marine Corps boot camp has a few recruits that get a hold of the training matrix/schedule, but finding a schedule for Marine Combat Training (MCT) is another story. 11 Stage 2A Cervical cancer in Stage 2A is often treated with radical hysterectomy, mct training schedule 2021 Marine Combat Training (MCT) is located at the School of Infantry (SOI) at Camp Pendleton, California and Camp Geiger, North . For the family members who are concerned about their Marine not contacting them when they were supposed to: please understand that a lot of different things do come up. I attended MCT from 2010 January 26 2010 February 23. He was told he got Guard, and due to his mos start date he will have to stay in California unti lit starts! I wish you and your son all the best. Im not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. My mother found an address and we were wondering if they are able to receive letters from us? Click to View MCT Graduation Dates (pdf). In the event that your Marine will have time to meet with parents/visitors, the parent/visitor should follow the unit to their Company area. From your posts it looks like there is another family day and graduation for combat training. After arriving at Camp LeJeune he was assigned to Artillery as a cannoneer. combat training. I agree, each service member is a hero regardless of branch, but there is no other brotherhood like the Marine Corps and that is coming from someone who was in a college fraternity. He told us he wont find out anything until the day before graduation. Much more to that it would be something remarkable experience after all. The training programs design gives Marines an overview of combat skills, including marksmanship over various weapons, navigation, and other warfare fundamental skills. Take advantage of it while you can youll live off MREs for the last two weeks of MCT. July 17, 2022 - For over thirty years Camp Lejeune residents have used tap water for drinking, cooking and cleaning without . Its no bother. Most of those pictures are not from MCT, i didnt go to that i went to ITB and i know that the first, second and fourth pics arnt from there. Thanks. Active Duty Nothing has changed. Did he recently have anything happen at home? It all depends on her platoon and instructors. Therefore, Marines attend a 29 day Marine Combat Training program. The chow hall usually has a minimum of two different lines open, a fast food line and a dinner line. After graduating from boot camp, Marines earn a day of travel and ten days of leave. When you get to Marine Combat Training (MCT), you get the upgraded version with the Trijicon ACOG and the laser infrared sight. He was cleared for duty right before Christmas but when the next class started up after the 1st of the year there was no space for him. It is already over. Not everyone is cut out to be a Marine, and many recruits and new Marines go through similar situations. Can you help or refer me to information or sites that would? I want to tread lightly here and dont want to offend anyone but I have found out that its better to take a tough love approach with these young Marines. Also, your weapons training continues. Visitors will need to provide the following for access to New River Air Station / Camp Geiger: During these times, it is safe to rely on the old saying no news is good news. If you live in the west, you attend training at Camp Pendleton in California. Be prepared to be treated like crap at East coast MCT. Just a correction to the mailing address. Later that week, you will do a five-mile hike, learn field care, and do a lot of hiking and running. Im not worried but he can call before graduation right? In either case, your training is the same. Whichever company is open when he arrives is where hell get put. This dog day care company was established in March of 2014 to be a haven where dogs can play around and stay. She will leave directly from MCT to MOS school. No one in the civilian life can take any of their places, they dont know how we feel or how we felt. He deployed to Iraq in 2008 where he convoyed heavily around the Anbar province with a myriad of units. Im just wondering.yes, like recruit training, MCT does take their purpose to the extreme but unless you want actual live rounds buzzing by your head, this is what we are left with. Typically, if you are from an area east of the Mississippi, you attend Camp Geiger. Week three of Marine Combat Training starts your field exercises. You get about 5 hours a day to yourself at MCT, and that is mostly spent sleeping. MCT Knowledge. The buses will be lined up outside your barracks waiting for you. Also one other question for you. He indicated that they can only call home on Monday: Semper Fi! The below information has been compiled from my first-hand experiences at MCT SOI East Coast at Camp Geiger, NC. I have been reading and viewing various posts about boot camp and from what Ive seen and heard it seems to me that ultimately everyone needs to work as a team. havent seen anything specific in this most helpful site, about the few, the proud ladies who also go through MCT after boot camp. Youll know the day before which group you are in, and which bus you are supposed to get on. Everything on this site can be found on the officially run Marine Corps site, I have simply provided the information in a first-hand experience, and an easier to find format. Hi I have a question..I just received a phone call last week that my son who is at MCT .has been put into the hospital..he supposedly went crazy on a guy that had come up behind him and put a hold on him..i dont know why this guy would have done that but anywaymy son was admitted to the hospital ond put on the psychiatric ward on suicide watch for observationI dont know if he threaten sucide or they just put all there when they come in on his level..i talked to the doctor several days later on the phone with my son there and the doctor said that he was recommending that my son be released from the military because he cant handle the stress..and that he had received some abuse while at boot..i have talked to other marines who were there with my son and they deny and abuse.. just say it was very intense and harshnow my questions ismy son is trying to get out on a separation of the this possible and how hard is it..will it hurt his record? I was wondering if you can help me with this. Fun stuff. But its Marine Dad Lol, Hi My son arrived Tuesday at Camp Lejeune for MCT. The people that I saw have the most issues adjusting to the culture were the young men that had ties too close to home. I was wondering if I need anything special to get into graduation or for family day, obviously my license but do I need anything else? This means all Marines must have the ability to handle themselves during combat. The Regional Marine Corps Trials is an 9-sport adaptive sports invitational involving more than 75 wounded, ill, or injured Marines, sailors, veterans, on each coast. Thank you for this GREAT website ful of information!! He has been able to contact me every Sunday for about 10 minutes, but this Sunday, I didnt get a call. They schedule and pay for all of the transportation, so nothing to worry about there. My husband is in MCT training in the west coast, and no, you dont get weekends off. Some of the items include: What Happens After MCT? What is your opinion? after MCT is MOScan we also talk to them? Do you think it will be Tuesday March 1st and then Grad would be Wednesday March 2nd? It is to make them perform at a high level when the proverbial Ice cream turns to S4!t. Youre slightly more free now. The females were treated with respect. Co., Class, Platoon After attending Marine Combat Training, it is time to attend schooling in their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) before moving on to their permanent duty station. Finally.. my question: how do Marines get to call for a while and so on,! Times after getting picked up, not every weekend everything is it can help me with this with... ( pdf ) to MOS school to join as soon as summer around. My first-hand experiences at MCT SOI east coast have about 10-15 females about... Better luggage with wheels dad called me to information or sites that would honestly not sure an up-to-date schedule. The 15k hike and that is pretty legit, and just drank and smoked off... 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